I'm feeling better now, not 100%, but much better, as you will see. *grins* I updated the first February hunt entry for you, just added a few comments and a picture you might find interesting. So now let me tell you about the two hunts I only briefly mentioned before. Starting tomorrow, 12 Feb through the 28th is the Every Rose Hunt. It's a short hunt with a great pose you don't want to miss. The pose you will get when you find this rose is called "So Deep"...get your minds out of the gutter! Imagine kneeling between your partner's legs, pressing close as you run your fingers through the hair at the back of their neck...looking deeply into their eyes as they gaze up at you while their fingers play over the soft skin of your back. Yeah, I don't know about you, but that sure sends shivers all over my body.

This pose is well worth the hunt, but be quick and don't miss it or you will be kicking yourself.
The next hunt I want to tell you about is the Pot O' Gold Hunt, Feb 19 - 31st. Yes it's a few days away from starting, but there's no harm in getting your juices flowing for it. And...let...me...tell...you...the pose for this hunt is soooooooooooo juicy. In fact, it's so juicy I can't show you a picture of it here, so be sure to check the Kabuki For Play blog in a few hours. *winks* I will tell you the pose is called "Taste" and comes with a little sofa that's modifiable. There is plenty of opportunity for the ladies to run their fingers through their partner's hair AND to wiggle their feet with excitement while their partner gets a little bit of a work-out also. *wicked evil grin* What? Men need to start exercising their tongue muscles more, maybe they will start talking more...hehe
So I KNOW I'll see you at Kabuki tomorrow AND on the 19th. No way are any of you passing up either of these amazing poses.
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