Kabuki Creations....WOOT WOOT! The pose Naku has for this weekend's sale, Happy Together, is one of my favorites. This is where all great relationships should end up in my opinion. When you are both in that frame of mind that you could not be more comfortable together. You don't need conversation to fill those little silences. Just being together with simple contact is enough to warm your heart. Picture this: You are moving around the living room, just straightening things here and there, glancing out the window you see your sweetie stretched out on the lawn gazing up at the stars. You can not help but admire his sexy physique as you watch his head move back and forth as if trying to count the stars. You grab your favorite book and wander out, smiling as he glances your way while you kneel and place a soft sweet kiss on his warm lips. Then you turn and settle in with your head on his chest, opening your book to read in silence and enjoy the closeness you two share.

Really warms your heart, doesn't it? I know it does mine. Be sure to stop in
Kabuki Creations and pick up this pose for just 60L Saturday and Sunday, pillow and book not included. Also there are three great poses on promotion pricing, and four great poses in current hunts. One more hunt starts on Sunday with three more later in the month. You can see all the hunts Naku participates in on the back side of the wall with the promotion poses. Remember to put
Kabuki in your pics for awesome monthly gifts and don't forget about the MM board.
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