Hello again from us Kabuki Creations. A new pose have been launched on July 1st. This new pose animation is named "Love Story", a name that tells this pose is meant for lovers out there. I have also interviewed the creator of this pose Naku Nishi about this new pose animation. So lets see what he says about this new pose animation.

Chelone Fairey: tell me abt this love story whats the inspiration, :)
Naku Nishi: Love story series ...as inspired to make Second Life a better place for us all
Chelone Fairey: i see that's a great cause...:)
Naku Nishi: I will create more and more this kind of pose animations...in the future.....so everyone can get inspired by this poses and creates their own love story...thus the name
Chelone Fairey: aha! that's great, i cant wait for another love story...:)
Chelone Fairey:would you like to explain this love story pose , like what does the avatar do in this animation.
Naku Nishi: good question!
Naku Nishi: she will start with kissing his lips.
Naku Nishi: then she moves on kissing his neck.
Naku Nishi: back to his lips and then moves down kissing his left nipples
Naku Nishi: after a few sec kissing his nipple...she will move down kissing his torso
Naku Nishi: after the torso she will moves back up this time to his right nipple.....teasting him right there.
Naku Nishi: then she continues back to his lips.....and she will continues
Chelone Fairey: so the pose repeat from top to bottom and bottom to the top.
Naku Nishi: the movements is slow and steady so she can have enough time to tease him
Chelone Fairey: how about the male ? wht does he do? is he just lying there?
Naku Nishi: yes..but his head is following each and every of her movements so it's more realistic
Chelone Fairey: i see so there is some movement in response of the female moves, thats great , its something unique
Naku Nishi: oh and it is a 2 minute length animations from starts to end...
Chelone Fairey: well , how much does this new pose cost?
Naku Nishi: it will be 200L$ for new item introduction price. but remember everyone the price will go up later.
Chelone Fairey: OK i think that's all i wanted to ask you , but do you have anythign to add about this new pose ?
Chelone Fairey: OK i think that's all i wanted to ask you , but do you have anythign to add about this new pose ?
Naku Nishi: not really, but you can say it has alway been my dream to create this kind of longer poses
Chelone Fairey: ahhh.... is been in yr mind for a very long time i presume...:)
Chelone Fairey: alright then i wish you all the best for your next pose and thank you for this interview...
Naku Nishi: tks to you too.